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This strategy uses the same free floating cash approach as all large banks, but with the tactical advantage of intermittent currency exposure utilizing a probable edge.

Think of this system as exactly the same as holding cash in a bank account, but with the ability to use leverage, letting trades sit until hitting either a Target, Stop or direction reversed. This strategy is extremely diversified and as such, is not subject to over weighted moves due to all your cash being held in a single currency bank account.

The goal of the system is to minimize the volatility associated with a traditional cash bank account. Substituting single currency volatility and buying power decay, with account stability and growth.

There is no obligation and you can cancel the program at anytime.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Jingoistic Jingoism's

Media Bred Eugenics, Part 2

One can become consumed watching the News and world events unfold in this bizarre new world.  We are witnessing change on a grand scale and evolution in every aspect at a historic rate.  Evolution is a strange thing; I am not speaking in terms of Darwinism the conventional form of evolution such as, over time living organisms develop.  I am speaking of evolution chemically, scientifically, mathematically and technically the evolving patterns and changing maneuvers. The general need and sense for development and change.  Even the most skeptic of Darwin has witnessed his theories playing out through time, “survival of the fittest” or the “natural selection”, if his theories are accurate we at some point will have to encounter a “test” the test of all tests some may survive others will not.  
     We are developing our minds, all of us, we are learning at a rapid rate.  A new born babies brain triples in size the first two years of life and continues growing till about age twenty. Keep in mind all the cells and neurons we will ever need in our lifetime are already there, the growth comes from the connections or synapses between the cells.  We are adapting and learning in our new habitat of technology and media.  Billions of dollars are spent on figuring out the best way to learn and how we can learn more, faster a superior way to learn.  Media has been a great way for information to be received by the masses.  With all the information, we now have on our brain and the hundreds of years spent researching the mind had paid off. No other time than right now has our new discoveries opened so many doors to development and research on our behavior and emotion.  Knowing just what information changes our behavior, emotion or action, is the research that is so interesting and profitable. The media has been a great way to change all, so great we do not even know they are changing us..   
When I see the Greek problems playing out wondering to myself how America would let them make alliances with Russia and the scenario of a war with Turkey, or something involving NATO perhaps ISIS invading around Greece that brings in NATO somehow.  Then I see Obama with the new and young influential Italian Prime Minister avoiding some questions and topics altogether.  I question why?  Is the US showing and proving we that have at least one allies left?  When Russia and China appear to be cutting the US off and out of the loop completely, and us with the fear of nationalizing a new currency cutting off the worlds reserve the USD, then we see news on the pacific trade open up, or how great an investment in the Shanghai exchange would boost anyone’s portfolio.  On the other hand, is the Federal Reserve so broke that they are making bets on the volatility of the Shanghais market?
 We know what they are feeding us; it is just what we will bite on that is being bet on.  Is perception of what is being shown us the key?
The 9/11 war on terror brought new ways to instill fear in every household thanks to the media (not to mention ways to infiltrate and control the masses with an express pass to enforce our “patriot act”.)  To add some extra panic they include a scale that would show the level of terrorism risk day to day in a color system so even kids could keep up, broadcasting every second along with every horror experienced.  Whatever theory you believe it is most likely true or a part of the truth behind the reason or conspiracy, as to just what exactly took place on 9/11, if you read my past work, you know where I stand.  The aftermath of the “event” (attack? Not so much) was just as traumatic then as it is today.  What it has done to this country, is irreparable.  It caused stereotypes and hatred with Arab Americans and mistrust among innocent groups.  It created fear of the unknown the “what if” and this fear opened doors for the FBI, CIA, and NYPD to allow and enforce blatant stereotyping and discrimination against the Muslim community. Fear of the Unknown, and the “what if” factor. This fear and anti-Muslim behavior, violence and mistrust forced many people to give up their faith, fear of being profiled, or segregated as a Muslim extremist.  Mosques were burned, families beaten and murdered. This was not the first time fear was used to paralyze our thoughts and control our emotions, and it wont be the last. While Americans mourned and panicked staying indoors, glued to the news, afraid to fly or go to the local store. The reality is, Americans are one hundred times more likely to die from a homicide, than a terrorist attack, or even more likely to get killed by our own  cities police unit, than a Muslim terrorist.  While terror struck the nation through media, the authorities fueled the fear and rewrote laws while the masses were too afraid to second-guess our great country.  Media drained all it could out of the tragedy and pain. The majorities of the American people are not familiar with eastern history , let alone ours. People knew little about the Middle East or Arab groups, the religion or countries.  This was a pre. Smart phone time,  most people still assumed and believed all the media and myths on our trusted news networks, believing they are true and non biased with real factual information, not just to push the market for a common interest.

  The news and our government keeps pushing us to be more divided, less communal, in turn, less powerful as a group.
Once upon a time (1983) our news media  was controlled by approximately fifty different corporations. Today it is a  private interest owned, by only six corporations. These six are powerful corporations, they do not just own the news or media they own production studios, television networks, newspapers, magazines, movie studios, anything from web sites to music labels. They have control over it all these huge six entities are not just rich beyond belief they are selling a priceless item… control. People pay for control. Social control has been around for sometime, and has been used even longer than one may think, the first use was in c. 515 BC that we know of, “The Rise of Darius to The Persian Throne”, then “The Arthashasta” c.350-283 BC, and of course, the Romans used it c.59 BC - 17 AD. It spread during the Reformation in ways never seen before with the printing press in Europe and there were thirteen American colonies that had specialized on topic for the interest of the Patriots and not so fond of the Loyalists, playing a major role in the demand for independence. It goes on continually throughout time.
Even the word propaganda has been turned into a negative, in its original sense was positive and helpful neutral and useful for information. Edward Bernays “the father of public relations” and regarded as one of the hundred most influential Americans of the twentieth century. Bernays also said, “The public’s democratic judgment was not to be relied on”. One of the most prominent political writers Walter Lippmann sat together on a US public information committee Bernays pioneered the PR industry by using social sciences and adding psychology this  popularized Freud ideas, mainly group psychology. Barclay's’ actually wrote the book on psychological manipulation, literally in 1928, “Propaganda” he even stated that, “the manipulation of public opinion was a necessary part of democracy”. He also wrote, “Manipulation ones opinion” in 1928, and states, “a technique has been developed and applied”. Indeed it has who we are what we want need how we love what we think is love it has all been predetermined for us. Not like worm wholes repeating our lives, no they are using us all working for the powers that be. So we become aware and watch learn take the “red pill” while the “sheep” take the “blue pill”.
 I have seen more and more shows and news pumping us up while we are in the hypnotic state of brainwashing watching some great new show and then another and a common theme arises every change of shows brings a “NEW THREAT” to you! Your household, the kids, the earth (the one thing that is real)... never the less a common “trend” in major shows. Like, perhaps… women in power? Seem familiar. Recently I see survival shows a lot of them, and a negative veering and lack of trust towards the mercenary groups. In the long run, the military saves the day, not the survivalists or redneck leading a city with an AK, no they are depicted as bad people and guns as an evil threat to families and always shown in the wrong hands. 
My perception could be totally off, or… they are trying to sway us, disarm us willingly, and place the idea in our heads not go rise up against the government when the time comes to, and it will. When all the people see the big Ponzi scheme, the government and barker cartels have bestowed on us just to line their pockets. They are desensitizing us to the future n new world order, all those zombie shows are just junkies ready to eat your face off when they Close America off to all other countries and resources and China has bought up all our good land and energy. All that will be left is Anarchy, Drugs, liquor and guns…our knowledge and empathy remains. I went a little too far there; however, the “what if” or disaster looming is each individual’s perception. So I will continue with the “rant” of new world order. I do not know why with all violence that we are exposed to, and desensitize by, why aren’t we just publicly hanging people that have wrecked America?... Raise Nixon and flank him till we go back to gold. Bernanke burned at the stake, or pitting him in cage against lions or Bears and Bulls, loose in some coliseum or a dome like a bad mad max reenactment! Yellen and Draghi as Master Blaster…Michelle Obama as Tina Turner, now I have to post the video clip of that.

I could be way off. Perhaps they have a plan, and it is for everyone to unite, peace love and freedom, America Land the free, rich happy and healthy. They will have every person rise above middle class, and issue high tax for the rich they will even take a ten percent cut for just one year. Every banker and government personal will do it, just to fund low-income schools and include theater and art classes or days that they cut. Sad thing is they could… for every school in the nation… for the next fifty years. The pessimist I am, I just kind of lean towards them being greedy and see them more or less wiping out the middle class setting up their life in luxury while we the 99% just hope… as they manipulate us to believe if we do what is being said, we need to… and in time everything will be ok, someday.
  Now we know the public perception is the focus for swaying us through media, how the public responds to information given is the key. The concern in this is finding the concurrent high points of some information then when other information being introduced. This information is what advertisers and the powers that control all seek. What action will cause a reaction, most of all just what will the reaction be? The public’s reaction is what the big boys bet on, profit from, and invest in. The media has become the ultimate advertising tool pushing products and bias information, then acting as rivals while supporting the same globalist organizations pushing a product. Thirty years ago, The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director Dave McGowan stated (who also was murdered shortly after he stated) “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone and any significance in the major media”. The CIA has advanced in every way since then. One can only imagine what the CIA could have control over with the new technological advances combined with physics and science, biology, and chemistry, the breakthroughs have been historical recently and keep growing  The list could go on and on. Knowledge of Humanity and the way we think and act are mapped out; we have learned so much about our cells and body, and our brain finding why and how we do what we do. 
We still do not know so much about the mind, humans are complex, and though most behavior is predictable, some is not. the aspect of free will and unpredictability’s of sadness, empathy, and  love, anger, hope and lust are emotional and each of us express these differently. Fear however, is a much more predicable human response, more of a fight or flight formula to manipulate us with. Tragedy sells, the collapse, ruin, and war, disease, money, the loss of the hopeful gain, false reassurance, and outright lies, all fed to us in a multitude of ways, redirecting or behavior to serve their greedy interests. The stories we have been told all our lives may hold some truth, more a piece of the puzzle or a guide to the truth. The tales of mythology, religion, even poets, and art have altered our perception throughout time. Even fables, songs, and fairy tales can been depicted in many ways unveiling racism, sexism, and control, etc. The common thread in all manipulation is, good and evil, heaven and hell, white and black, these all have two sides to every story, all the things we have been told and learned are depicted and swayed by the storyteller, we will never find the whole truth, time has buried most information with the motives and greed mankind constantly seeks .
  Truth and fiction become irrelevant when profit or desperation becomes involved. 
H.G. Wells wrote about social engineering though sports and back then, people may have thought he was crazy when he wrote of a tribal system that was needed for men, engrained in us primitively a need for a tribe and leader, an Alpha male. As the emerging expert class arose, man would be more disengaged from what you would call a tribe or his own destiny. Sports though radio and adding a stadium in every city gave man the outlet he was subconsciously seeking, in the hypnotic state of a new cultural industry. The Soviet Union even had what was called a culture industry. The actors and directors of media and film were called the "cultural leaders", because they could control the public. This was the psychology behind control because humans have a need to belong; a need to be liked wanted and accepted by our peers, we are easily programmed by a scientific dictatorship. We have been programmed as if machines manipulated so much we cannot even determine the difference between “real wealth” and what we are programmed to believe “real wealth” is. When did owning even leasing a Bentley become a better investment than land, education, family, or medicine, even free will? The pressure to have material possessions, a bigger house another car or truck, a better life, is not just a pressure, this has been instilled in us so much that now advertisements are making fun of the blatant brainwashing of these unobtainable social status.
 For the 99% what we see the lavish lifestyles lived is an unobtainable social structure and status, it is a distraction for the masses, something to strive for and keep going, set up so you remain unfulfilled and keep working and spending. They want you to spend not save that is not what our economic structure is based on. They want and need you to max out your credit take a mortgage out, even a second or a third, all so, you will not have any true assets and you will keep paying on that interest. Media does more than take your money for various purposes it drives you steering you and guiding your next step.
 I see more and more people taking the “red pill”, seeing the media for what it really is a tool to control us. People have learned that investigative journalism is just associated with different specifics, not truth. What the media says and shows you may just be a movie set or even actors, even the energetic newscaster pushing a new company, you now may know is their sponsor. Media is a tool and like everything have two sides and two ways of looking at it and two ways to use it. Alternatively, the public can use it to their advantage as well. The information is out there, just some codes will be easer to crack, others much harder. An informational puzzle and all the pieces, what they are discussing and selling or buying, it is the history and relationships all of it is out there. However, it’s more “why” they are broadcasting it, selling it, or buying it, the true history not what is told to you the real relationships between people. 
The public is waking up to the fact we have been living in a nation opposite of everything we were told America is and what it stood for, the opposite of what we have learned in school from teachers, parents, peers. Our history has been rewritten to conform societies and create a mass of human machines to program. . A false nation built with blood and greed, manipulation and power. Our history like our nation is false, made up, altered by fake governments, fake rules, fake leaders hand picked by Oligarchs and bankers in a fake democracy. Our fake judiciary system with its fake laws designed so though Oligarchs, bankers and government can rob you blind without due process or even court orders, then the powers that be can rob them. Our Freedom? Fake, our amendments? Falsified, and rewritten, our authority Fake, a nation with the backbone of our proud constitution reworded and altered so they can serve there own control and strip us of power and our true rights even our own choice. What do we have left that is real or ours truly? Knowledge and the right to bear arms and defend ourselves (for now). There are many upsides in our new god we call media in this lawless run nation. Knowledge is power, and we are curious creatures with instincts for survival to protect our legacy though our children.

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