
Are you well diversified? Is your savings all in USD or spread across multiple types of assets, but still based in USD? If it is, you are still not what we consider ultimately hedged, as in hedged into other nations currencies which are backed by their allocations, production, resources and politics. We believe the best way to be hedged to to be spread across the 8 most respected western currencies. Those being the Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc, Euro dollar, Great British pound, Japanese yen, New Zealand dollar and United States dollar. Rotating among these with a slight edge producing a gain above equilibrium.

This strategy uses the same free floating cash approach as all large banks, but with the tactical advantage of intermittent currency exposure utilizing a probable edge.

Think of this system as exactly the same as holding cash in a bank account, but with the ability to use leverage, letting trades sit until hitting either a Target, Stop or direction reversed. This strategy is extremely diversified and as such, is not subject to over weighted moves due to all your cash being held in a single currency bank account.

The goal of the system is to minimize the volatility associated with a traditional cash bank account. Substituting single currency volatility and buying power decay, with account stability and growth.

There is no obligation and you can cancel the program at anytime.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Bred Media Eugenics

Government through propaganda has been brain washing us in various ways, feeding us lies and keeping us just comfortable enough to stay unaware of the hypocrisy run nation, while they reap the benefits and manipulate us.  We are in a new age and we have a new idle, the Media, and the powers that be are racking what we do all the time, on our private personal time.  They are fitting us in to a particular demographic ideal for marketing and swaying us to buy, sell, look at, and even feel.  Big brother has gone to a whole new level; they even release endorphins when you walk into a specific store, designing ways to enhance your shopping experience so you will spend more.  We are a consumer-based nation.  It is so specific they can predict an estimated date will need and purchase certain items.  Billions are spent a year just to find out what kind of bath tissue you buy.  Think of every time you search the web, every site you search, your face book,  twitter even your images are loaded in to informational software categorizing your life and predicting your future, profiling what you post, look at and you every privet aspect, the thousands of external factors.  It is invasive in many ways to know that advertizing and manipulation is becoming tailored to fit just me.  We see this in new technology all the expanding and overwhelming unimaginable advancements, the ability to use robots to achieve what man cannot.         
 These advancements have caused people to become obsessed with technology and because these robots are so advanced, they are able to penetrate our lives on a subconscious level, these advancements as wonderful as they may be have massive side effects.  Information and knowledge breed power and control and those combined breed money.  In the wrong hands technology can do more than we can even imagine, the most outlandish, bazaar, even evil ideas or thoughts, the darkest places hiding in ones mind, technology can enhance, bring to life and fulfill those ideas.  It has been in the wrong hands throughout its existence evolving faster than humanity ever could, with many great minds combined it like us evolved learning and serving its masters faithfully.  Its has been bred to control the masses we are just slaves to the masters on a grand scale.  It controls us day to day, influencing us, pushing us, we just assume it is our choice our false free will.  We are desensitized to the subconscious rape-taking place and we seem so unaware.  Google can now predict the ways the market will move due to what searches are entered.  They are marketing our thoughts and fears taking our freedom and making us comfortable seeking the unknown.
 It almost could be the greatest social experiment ever.  I am not even touching the NSA or FBI spying on us without a court order, breaking everything America stands for.  This is just a small area in the mass amounts of media manipulation when it comes to advertising and marketing data.  Many people never read the applications you download or sites you use, you sign a waiver when you click on, download, or sign into those sites.
 Nothing makes me smile more than watching blatant yellow journalism on the morning news.  News has become a fundamental tool for the powers that be, a true way to steer the money.  While few see the big picture, they will never research the correlation between specific people or money that rules us all.  The corrupt ways of what some call a democracy.  I have read some amazing theories about what is to come, 2015, 2016, and every other year.  For the most part, I am pessimistic when it comes to the US and the out come of us or hope for humanity.  In turn, the information I research tends to be the same story repeatedly, “this year it will be the end of…”  “The world,” “the market,” “jobs,” “schools.”  Or it is…  “This time it will be the worst…”  “The biggest bubble ever!”  “The most catastrophic!” and “this time it’s like no other”…Now of course they push…  “Things will never be the same.”  The theories can be incredible, some very interesting and some just make you realize how uneducated many people are, for the most part they all have the same element, Fear.  It maybe brought to you by the (in a game show voice)…The USA, FED, Russia, Toyota, wait I got it, Tesla!  KGB, China, The DONG or kittens, Iran or it is possibly Alien government with unicorn technology! Fact is, it won’t matter who or what is doing the pushing, it will only matter why you are being pushed in that direction, what the final goal would be.  Therefore, we evolve, expanding our mind relearning what we once knew with a whole different type of perception.  understand this is like a game for the major entities and like any game some of the players are key the to winning, most are useless bench warmers, a small part of the game as a whole the bigger picture for the team has a audience and owners and that where the money is, because money is the win.  Even when a game is rigged, some they lose well the other won that is the beauty of it all, there is always a winner.  You just have to watch see if they threw it, why, who and what that benefited in the long run.  You will find the major players, the teams are not big but there are many, so learn the game, find what team you are on and watch closely at how their game is run, stick with a strategy, not just your own but look for the end game, get the team’s strategy because some teammates have and know the winning moves.

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